
Gross Floor Area
1,193 sqm
Land Area
508.65 sqm

Landed Factory

Standalone unit with higher ceiling height of up to 13 metres which is designed for businesses in heavy industries requiring large ground floor for movement and storage of goods

  • Allocation Mode: Price Tender
  • Tenure: 3 years
  • Deadline for Submission of Request to Launch Unit for Tender Form: 31 Dec 2024
  • Note: This factory unit is currently on the Reserve List. Companies which are interested in this unit must first submit a Request to Launch Unit For Tender Form to JTC before the deadline for submission as indicated above. The factory will only be made available for tender if the request to launch the unit application is successful.

    Other Details:

  • Ceiling Height: 7.6m
  • Please note:
    Who is eligible to apply here?

    The units in this property are suitable for trades in General Manufacturing and Generic Industrial Uses.

    View all non-permitted trades

    Property Details


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    Property and Industry Type

  • Landed Factory
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    Goods Lifts

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  • No. of loading bays: -
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