JTC Launches One Site Under Industrial Government Land Sales Programme
26 Sep 2023
JTC has launched one site under the second half of the 2023 IGLS Programme.
Details of the site and location plan can be found in the table below and Appendix A respectively. This information is also available on JTC’s website at http://www.jtc.gov.sg/IGLS.
Site available for tender
Location | Site Area (Ha) | Gross Plot Ratio | Zoning | Tenure | Application Expiry |
Plot A Tuas Bay Drive |
0.63 |
1.4 |
B2 |
20-year |
21 November 2023 (Tuesday), |
The site at Plot A Tuas Bay Drive is the third of five Confirmed List sites for the second half of the 2023 IGLS Programme.
Interested parties can purchase the Tenderer’s Packet at $181.90 each (inclusive of GST) at https://go.gov.sg/jtc-igls-tp.
Appendix A - Location Map
Plot A Tuas Bay Drive